Revealing the blog...

I am just a randomized spectrum of life. I created this blog to express what I have recently seen and heard, defining it into my own words. I named this blog with the word Saiko, a Japanese slang for expressing "the best!" or "the coolest!." It is by no means a way for me to indirectly say what I see I consider to be crazy or psychotic. Just had to put that on the table. In short, I am going to post cool events and tell you what I think about it.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Upset Story Teller Who Makes My Teeth Shimmer

The Rain of complaints stirs temptation to hastily grab a hidden key in my pockets which is used to lock my ears from the consisttent jabber. This is how I usually feel. Though, when complaints are expressed in a humorous fashion, my ears widely open to the rising pitch of the outragous description of a particularly stressful situation. I cannot help but to laugh, giggle or make an extreme facial expression distantly on the other side of the phone. Stated negative comments about life envisioned with jumble of a well played vocabulary is entertaining (But ofcourse, only for matters that aren't too extreme). Thank you for always cheering me up at your worst of times.

My tip of the day for my story teller friend:
"Keep your chin up... Oh... Nevermind... Oh wait, you do have a chin. Yeah, try to keep it up."


  1. Elzar. Sometimes I love you. But this doesn't relate to my problem at all.

    On another note, what if I told you a depressing problem while wearing a clown suit? Would this count as making it entertaining? I need to change my style up.

    (PS: thank you for saying I have a chin. I would be very distraught if I didn't.)

  2. PPS: "not too extreme"?

    Tomorrow, we'll talk about the war in Afghanistan. Be prepared.

  3. i'm sorry, a clown suit might be too scary for me to witness. I may scream in horror.
    Alright, i shall be prepared for our next conversation! Engarde!
